Thursday, December 2, 2010

Meeting Junu for the first time

My father and I have now been in Kathmandu for 2 days and the brain and body are still recovering from the flight. We were told this morning we would go to Junu's orphanage around 11 a.m., you can only imagine our excitement. We needed to purchase a few gifts, so we went a bought some candy (I guess to entice Junu to come to me). We also brought a sweet furry white teddy bear, compliments of Timothy and Julian, "Goodnight Moon" book and a sticker book. I can't believe I forgot to get bubbles, they are always a hit and an ice breaker, which I will soon find out I would need. The candy will come in handy later, but not for Junu.

My representative is wonderful along with his assistant. They picked us up and we drove a short 20-25 minutes to Junu's orphanage. A few children came out to greet us, Manoj said "go find her" I did what I was told. Now remember, the last photo I had of her was quite sometime ago, so "finding her" wasn't easy, especially since she was the one turned the other way investigating a covered plug in the wall. They brought her over to another part of the entrance way, she didn't show much emotion, she looked at me very seriously. The candy and teddy bear did nothing....she wasn't impressed. She was funny somehow because I knew a part of her knows who I am, but she certainly has a strong will. I didn't push myself on her, I really wanted her to come to me, but we had to be a bit sneaky about this. I did try one time to pick her up and she was not having any of I waited. Also, the nannies where telling her that I was her "Mama". I guess they have been preparing her.

We transitioned upstairs to "play" as they said. We, Dad and I, sat on the floor amongst the other children and one other nanny. The nanny was the same one who made the video of Junu which I received months ago. We were actually sitting in the same room as where Junu's picture was taken (if any of you remember the background). So Junu was expressionless, but I was okay with it because I know it will just take some time. She needs to learn to trust and I understand this completely. The nanny brought Junu over onto her lap and we looked at the sticker book. Then the nanny gently suggested Junu sit on "Mama's" lap and she did!!! Her little body slowly started to sink into mine. I could touch her head, brush back her hair and whisper in her ear how much I love her. We looked at the sticker book over and over. Meanwhile, Dad was doling out candy to the other kids, a few claimed his lap as well, one in particular wanted to take up residence there :) He was keeping the other kids busy so Junu and I could be together without competition, as all the other kids were offering me beaucoup kisses, hugs and cuddles. Junu did start to claim her space more by pushing the kids away. My mama self wants to believe it was about me, but right now I think it was more about the book. It's okay, because as I said, somewhere inside, she knows I am her mother.

She is all the things I could and couldn't imagine wrapped into the most beautiful little package. She is deep, soooo deep. Her eyes have the ability to look right through to your soul. She is slow to impress and thoughtful about everything. She is a thinker. She is tough...tough as nails. She will not be pushed around, but she is not pushy. She tends to protect herself and her space. She is the kind of child that when she make one small gesture towards interest or openness, one may feel like they won the lottery. I think she is selective of who and when she opens to...and I have the patience and love to wait for the best most abundant lottery in my life, her grace. I am in love and I can hardly wait to go see her tomorrow.

When we left I was able to give her sweet kisses. Dad picked her right up and she was okay with fact I know she liked it. I think I know who will be spoiling her soon. He is also in love and I am so grateful to have my father with me. He has been the most wonderful support and I love his open heart. The kids loved him!!!!!! He got down on the floor and played. It was a great day.

Tonight we go to have dinner with a few other American families. Looking forward to meeting new friends.
Until tomorrow...Sharlyn


  1. I'm so happy you are doing the blog! Your family is with you... supporting you from across the globe. I can't wait until you get that beautiful girl here!

  2. She is lovely! You are an inspiration and I am so glad your doing this blog! I am so happy for you and I wish you joy with your little one!! Your trust in God is amazing and it really helps me right now, through a tough time and I am trying to do just God. Thank you!

  3. Beautiful Sharlyn - you, your daughter and your blog. Thanks for sharing. I am praying for you all and I am hoping I will be able to see you again and meet your love soon!

  4. Sharlyn, this touching story has brought me to tears of joy for you and your little girl!! So very beautiful, my friend, and I know that Junu will love you, as do so many people. I can hardly wait to meet her. So very, very happy for you and your family, hon. love to you all, Shirley
